This is where you'll find out what Livin' la Vida Lisa is all about...the lowdown on Think Pink, what being an agony aunt for Mizz is like and the spillage of news about all the books I'm writing... I'll also, and some may say more importantly, share stories of TV watching (have wasted most of this bank holiday watchin' celebrity golf due to an icky belly and lack of energy to put DVD in player), chocolate eating (haven't done much due to bad belly, but will resume chocolate consumption - peanut m&ms, mmm - just as soon as it's better!) and cute dudes that I'm crushin' on (the list is endless and ever-changing, but right now I'm diggin' on Johnny Depp - he's a permenant fixture and the very adoreable Jared Leto in eyeliner...) I am, thanks for visiting my on-line musings!

Soooo...the first book, Think Pink, has gone to print ready to hit the shelves on January 3rd '07. For those of you who don't know, Think Pink is the first book in a brand new series of feel-good, go-for-it guides for teen girls. Through Think Pink, and the following books in the series, you'll discover the pink-tinted world of Lola Love and her sassy Pink Ladies - Bella, Sadie and Angel. Together, they provide everything you'll ever need to become fiesty, fun, fearless and fabulous!
Lola and her girl gang are adoreable, I've seen the illustrations and damn, they're cute - I'm ruining a perfectly good manicure right now in anticipation of seeing a finished copy! Until then though, I am currently editing the second book, which will be out March '07 and I've just begun work on book three - phew! With all this proper writing, I'm thinking I can actually officially call myself a real proper writer girl now!