Thursday, March 27, 2008

Something weird is happening here at the Pink Palace.

Very weird.

The Man is cleaning.

He's clearing cupboards, there's bin bags involved and most importantly, he's not involving me.


I don't know what's initiated this sudden burst of spring cleaning in my beau, but I'm not complaining, we both HATE cleaning, but I get attacks of the girl-guilts and give in way before The Man ever does, so this sudden get-up-and-clean 'tude is completely welcome! Well...that is until he discovers bags and bags of accumulated 'stuff' and 'nonsense' that I hoard in every ickle space of our teeny tiny house - I do work from home remember, and I do need every issue of every magazine since 2000 - I really do, and yes, I do need 84 pairs of shoes and I absolutely positively need ALL my bags...Does that sound convincing enough for you?

I think I'll just keep my head down and work at pretending to be really, really busy!

I've got lots to do actually, but do you know what I've gone and done?

I've gone and started reading Jordan: Pushed to The Limit - it's so bad, yet so, so good! I knew this would happen, I'm a totes sucker for autobiographies, and the way they're written is so highly addictive that I know that when I start, I just can't stop!

This is no exception, I'm finding it really hard to put down, when I take a green tea break, I keep snatching a few pages in between - I also plan on watching the teev show tonight too - it's offish, Jordan/Katie is my guilty pleasure!

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