Sometimes life is a bit sucky.
This is factuality.
But when you realise you've taken a left turn into sucksville - which is just north of un-pretty town btw - a girl has got to thank her lucky twinkle-stars that she's got a rather fabulous Think Pink vanity case...Every Pink Lady has one, it's the law and everything, and each is filled to the brim with a li'l somethin' somethin' to help her deal with the negative ninas, the tough stuff, and the curve balls that life sometimes seems intent on throwing our way...
Which is why, on a recent trip to the ville o' suck, one I don't want to re-visit in a hurry, the contents of my very own Think Pink vanity case made sure my trip was short-stay and not long haul.
FYI: This is totally un-related, but wouldn't this Lulu Guiness creation be the most perfect-o vanity case? I'm in total heart!

A film o' fabulousness - you know the one I'm talking about, THE film.

I laughed, I cried, I crushed on NYC, I ate malteasers and glugged at a bucket o' coke. Seriously, I can't think of a better way to spend 2 and a half hours. I tried, but I can't.
Girl time - sometimes when life gets too busy to breathe, you forget the things that matter most, like spending time with your fam and friends, so I took time out to spend time with the amazing girls in my world - Vix, Nat, dizzy water and Moulin Rouge, Debs, Kate, cute outfits and a date with our four fave NYC-based ladies, my mum, auntie and cousin and yummy sunday lunch - all three dates were different and fabulous and filled me up to the brim with love and laughter and complete happiness - happy days.
Fringe cuts - I was trying to work a very long Sahara Hot Nights fringe, but this look is not conducive to being a writer girl and I had to keep pinning it back, which gave it a crazy kink and get the picture. So I popped into see my fab hair-do maker, Mark today, who gave me a whole new look in a few quick snips! A fringe trim can give you an insta-lift between appointments and if you go to a good salon, it should be free of charge!
What's in your Think Pink vanity case?
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