Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I've started a new exercise - not the kind where you get all sweaty, I don't like sweating - no, this kind is quite simple, I say thank you!

It's not that I wasn't a polite girl before because I totes was - just ask my Pops, but in an attempt to boost my daily happiness, each night before I skip off to the land of Johnny Depp-filled dreams, I've started to get thankful for the li'l things...

Each night, in a really cute notebook that I've decorated with things I heart, like cupcakes and Marilyn, I write at least three things I'm thankful for that day.
Yep, even the days that seem so, so unbelievably sucky - especially on those days in fact, it really helps to find the good things and celebrate 'em! You might have to look super-hard, but you will find 'em - the fact you've got running water, how good it feels to soak in a bath full of bubbles, the slice of chocolate cake you ate to make you feel better, the new HSM soundtrack for example!

I even say thanks for things I want and don't have yet, like my fabulous pink Nissan Figaro - I so want one of those - in the hope that I trick the universe into making it happen!

So, don't wait for Thanksgiving day to get your thanks on, do it now and get happy!

The things that make me happy right now are:

The new ish of Elle magazine - I LOVE Elle.
Bubble baths
Friends - in real life and online - support, love, fun and laughter - it's the best!
Sugar Paper zine - you get a free purse to make, it's ace!
Getting to hang with Lola Love each day
Buying books
Getting decorated, packed-to-the-brim snail mail - I love real life letters
My Portabello Pink nail varnish
HSM2 soundtrack
Buying myself Lillies - I ADORE Lillies especially the ones with the pink inside. Sigh.
Listening to my ipod on oversized headphones
Accessorising - especially my brand new pink beret (haven't got it yet, but I know it will make me happy!)

I will make this a regular part of my blog entries too, nothing wrong with doublin' up the goodness - what makes you jump in the air happy??

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