Thursday, April 19, 2007

I don't like being scared.
I scare easily which is one of the reasons I don't watch the news, besides the fact it gives you wrinkles, and I don't want wrinkles, not one little bit.
I can't even watch Inspector Morse.
Which is why, when I read this
"Do one thing that scares you every day"
a quote from the uber-cool chica Eleanor Roosevelt, I didn't get it.
Why would anyone actually want to do something that would make them scared? That's just stupid, right?
Then, I read author girl and lady of fabulousness, Meg Cabot's blog and she said she was scared of public speaking.
Now, I've seen this lady speak and she'll rock your socks, but she reckons she only got good by scaring herself into actually doing it in the first place.
She took baby steps, she started by talking in front of small audiences, she got good at that, then scared herself a bit more by upping the audience numbers.

I'm all about the baby steps.
I'd love to be one of those chicas who make huge life-changing decisions at the drop of my Kittypinkstars hat, but while I love a drama, I just can't do it.
What I can do though, is dream hugely and take baby steps.
When you dream hugely, no matter what your background, where you live, your current situation, ANYTHING is possible.

Some people don't dream hugely, they reckon it saves them from being disappointed.
Some people dream, but let their current sitch dictate whether it's possible or not - eg. "I want that fab pair of kick-ass trainers but I can't afford them. Oh well, I won't have them."
Other people, the pink thinking types will dream hugely, will paint a world of fabulousness filled with everything they want - they'll see it in their head, they'll write about it, they'll think about how great it will feel to wear those trainers/write that book/own a Prada handbag - they'll then most importantly, work out how to make it happen, create a plan of action, set goals, set deadlines.
That's where the baby steps come in.

You wanna write a book?
Well, start by writing a list of all the things that need to happen in order for that book to become a reality. Number 1, and actually the hardest part of all, is to write it.
Haven't got time?
Make time. Schedule an hour a day into your diary like a proper date with your sweet-self.
Can't dedicate an hour?
Get up earlier. If it means that much to you, you'll make time.
If you write for an hour every day, pretty soon you'll have a whole book on your hands.
See, baby steps.
It's all about the baby steps.

So no excuses 'k? I've never read that book 'Feel the fear and do it anyway' but people tell me it's really rather good.
I dig the title.
The point, is that you can't let where you're at now, decide where you'll always be - I'm from a single parent family, lived on a council estate, was overweight and struggled for money. I was told I wouldn't succeed and that people like me - whatever that meant - shouldn't waste their time dreaming, because the good stuff, the exciting stuff, the fabulous stuff didn't happen to people like me.


They were wrong.


So, do one thing each day that scares you, take one step further towards your dream - reach for the stars but reach for the closest one first 'k?

To quote one of my all time fave films: "'ve gotta have a dream, if you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?"

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