Did you miss me?
I've been on my holi-holi-days - 8 blissful days with The Man Scot Side - it was every kind of awesome!
For the first part of our hols we stayed with uber-cool author girl and my ah-mazing friend Cathy Cassidy and her fam, she has a teeppee in her garden, and I was all about channeling Pocohontas, but it was totes waterlogged when we arrived, so while I was totally ready to work the whole outdoors look, luckily, I didn't have to! Cathy lives virtually a miilion, trillion miles form anywhere which is a big culture shock for a city chick like myself, but what her super-cute li'l village may lack in shops, it more than makes up for with a freakin' fabulous cake shop - a slice of 'Sophie's Sin' is like heaven right here on earth - my mouth is watering just thinking about it - I think that's the absolute real reason why Cathy lives there, damn it, I'd up and move there tomorrow if I could eat a slice of that each day - yum!
Cathy's son and daughter gave The Man and I the total 101 on My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Aiden - I now feel totally confident that, if there were an exam in any of these 3 bands, I would most deffo pass! I am now crushing hard on MCR front man Gerard Way - I'm a totes sucker for a boy in eyeliner.
Cathy is such an uber-rockstar that when we arrived, she was having a photoshoot for a big swanky newspaper! We got to tag along in her pimped out camper van and walked her dog in the gorgeous Scottish countryside while she was papped for over 2 hours - being a superstar is not as glam as it looks y'know, the pappster had Cathy kneeling in mud surrounded by mossies while being asked to look totally natural. Cathy had not had the benefit of watching a whole million episodes of American/Britain's Next Top Model like my good self, but I did pass on words of wisdom from both Tyra AND Lisa - I'm sure Cathy'll be thankful for my 'everything I know, I learnt from ANTM' insider knowledge when she sees the results!
After a much-needed chill out in the countryside, The Man and I headed to the festival city of Edinbro - the place was heaving, it was increds!
What The Man had failed to mention was that our acommodation was in John o' blimmin' Groats - slight exaggeration, but it was at least two miles from the train station and he made me walk, yes, walk with my filled-to-the-brim pink pull-along suitcase AND my weekend bag over one shoulder ALL the way.
I was not feelin' love for The Man at that point.
When we arrived though, I instantly forgave him coz it was beee-youuu-tiful.
I'm fickle like that.
Our time in Edinbro was a lot about the book fest where The Man and I went to workshops and listened to author types speaking about... well, books, we went to see some fab fringe events but my most favouritist thing was The Man surprising me with tix to The Military Tattoo - don't laugh, I'm a total marching band FREAK!
If I haven't bored you with the story previously, I used to play snare drum in a marching band throughout teen hood and it was the best time of my ENTIRE life - LOVED it, so The Man, rather sweetly completely indulged me with a whole evening filled with 'em! The best bit was the amazing all girl marching band from Tawain - they LOOKED and SOUNDED increds - I'm gonna try and find them on the interpipe for you - you'll just die at their immense kawaii cuteness...
Other highlights included deelish yummy Italian food at Bar Napoli - if you're in Edinbro, seek it out, really reasonable and soo yum! The Man and I blagging our way into a v.swanky publishing dinner at a riddiculously posh restaurant, we were dining with the likes of the author of 'Life of Pi' and fab new author Alice Kuipers whose book 'Life on A Refrigerator Door' I totes recommend! The Man and I were totally blagging our way through the whole evening - we really can't be trusted at such events, I mean look what happened last time, I practically dry-humped Gok Wan!
I did take pix of the whole Scot-side adventure but camera is on last legs, will try and make them viewable vay soon. Next pay cheque I am deffo going to treat myself to a brand-spankin' new camera, then I will become a complete art girl and this blog will become a totes pix and word festival of fabulousness!!
I'm now back and have spent today doing my accounts - yawnsville - being a freelancer means you have to do all your own accounts - boo, I've been doing it to the sounds of Kate Nash and Kanye West which has made it just about bearable, and I've told myself I'm allowed to read the big pile of fabulous glossies I bought from the newsie this morning when I'm finished - yay!
Before all that I'm gonna watch the cast of HSM2 on Richard and Judy - does anyone know when it premieres on the TV? So wanna see it! Am also counting the days 'til Ugly Betty Season 1 is available on DVD, CANNOT WAIT!