Miss Sally and I hit The Vitality Show in London's Olympia - it was a totes girl's day out!
We spent undisclosed amounts of money on items of prettification, now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that quite possibly the best way to actually spend a day?
There was a Benefit Stand the size of my house, I am so considering becoming a Benefit make-up girl. I'd get to go to Benefit make-up school AND get a discount on all my favourite products.
I'm going to ask if my local store is recruiting...
Highlights included:
- finding a nail prod that makes real nails look as shiny as acrylic - plan on showin' the nails some love this evenin'!
- the too-cute make-up artist from the Bnevertoobusytobebeautiful telling me he'd been waiting for me all his life - what's not to love 'bout that? Think it had something to do with me letting him paint me with crazy-bright colours - he did paint my lips with the most fabulous colour I have ever seen though, if you love your pink prods as much as me, I highly recommend:
Bobo - lipgloss
Wanna B - lipcreme
You can get 'em on line at: www.bnevertoobusytobebeautiful.com
even after the pasta salad and yogurt I ate, it didn't even budge - new fave prods!
- seeing Rosemary Connelly - the diet lady, she is supes-tiny, you could literally pop her in your pocket, the fashion man - John whatshisname from ITV's 'This Morning' and Pete Cohen the life coach dude from GMTV
- getting to try lots of yummy food
- getting lots of freebies
- buying a fold up trolley like the olden days people have but in pink with polka dots - it's fabulous - I've been practicing being a trolly dolly all day today!
So, so good!
Thought process: I'm so gonna have to get a digicam y'know as I'm thinking relying on my wordage alone to entertain you is rude and wrong isn't it? With next pay cheque I will try and purchase a cheap and cheerful one that will funk up the bloggle! Also, it would make life so much easier when describing the killer postage I received this week!
I am a serious fan of snail mail - I love it.
I love letters, I love parcels, I even get marginally excited at post from that Bill dude, but what I love mostest is unexpected parcels of fabulousity from your favourite people.
I also got the biggest package of love from one of my bestest buds in my world, Izzi she lives in the Londinium so I don't get to see her as much as I'd like but it never,ever matters coz when we're together it's like we've never been apart - so my package consisted of:
- a cute pink japanese parasol/umbrella
- an adoreable pink dress reminiscent of Cyndi Lauper in 'Girls just wanna have Fun' it's like a mini prom dress with pink fishnet under the skirt - it's a size too small right now but hey, if that's not incentive to make sure I put on my trainers each mornin' I don't know what is!
- a pair of THE sparkliest, pinkest, highest heels I ever did see - I am worshipping at their fabulousity and working on a strategy as to how I'm ever going to walk in them!
- Crazy for You cd by Let Loose - it was our favourite song for sooo long when we were at school, I played it this morning and cried and laughed all at once!
- a postcard 'bout how stoopid dieting is - love that!
Who wouldn't want fun post like that?
On the subject of post, I got my Walk New York pack this mornin' - wohhhoooo - I'm doing it, I'm really doing it! Thanks for the fabulous fundraising ideas you're all coming up with, I shall keep you posted on how you can get involved, still working on sorting that out right now - one things for sure, I'll have a v.cute hat to wear on my way round!
It's not long until Beauty*licious hits stores now - how mad is that? I think I get to see a proof copy towards the end of this month - ohmystars! I hope y'all dig it as much as Think Pink, I think Lola and the Pink Ladies look even more adoreable in this book - I know, like it's possible!
I saw an episode of Wonderwoman today, haven't seen it since I was a nipper and totes loved it - Wonderwoman rules. Fact.
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