I'm watching Sense and Sensibility - I'm sucha sucker for a period drama, heaving bosoms, dee-lish costumes and cute boys talking in pretty words. Sigh.
I am ALL about Mr Willoughby.
Talkin' of cute boys talking in pretty words, it was The Man and I's anniversary this week and he sprung a trip to Bath on me yesterday. I have never been to Bath but am now officially totally head-over heels in heart with the place - it's olden days, yet has lots of fabulous shops - what's not to love about that?
There is obviously a whole lot more to Bath than just shops, although shops ARE important, so The Man and I went on an open top bus tour. I love me a bus tour, it's obligatory when I visit any new town, luckily The Man is cool with it too, so we went on two! I don't have any pics because my camera has officially died.
Sad days.
But take my word for it, it's totes beautiful and worth a visit. I'm in LOVE with it, might even try and talk The Man into living there I loved it so much.
Today was meant to be about work, but mostly I've been sleeping instead.
Sleeping is seriously under-rated and I'm quite certain that if there was an award for it, I would SO be the winner!
I attempted to see Hairspray again on Friday with my bff Susie, but when we arrived, turned out the interpipe had the times wrong so we missed it. We came home ate carrot cake and watched Charlie leave the BB house instead!
Am I jinxed?
Am I destined to watch my £5.99 Ricki Lake version forever instead?
I was going to take myself along today but what with all the important sleeping I've been doing, there really has been no time! Luckily it's on for another week, so I WILL deffo go see it this week, anyone wanna come with me?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
So, I'm back in training for Walk New York.
Since I got back from my hols in Croatia, which was waaaay back in May, I've been a slacker from slacksville as far as exercise has been concerned, which is just no good if I'm gonna tackle those streets of NY and not faint with exhaustion on the 3rd mile, which is why I'm back on it - I've done two 3 mile walks this week - I'm not happy about perspiration, but I am happy about the cute new black with pink piping work-out outfit I've bought. Well, as readers of Beauty*Licious will know, Lola highly recommends making the whole exercise process a whole lot easier with a cool ensemble, and it would be beyond rudeness to ignore Lola, right?
This week s'far: Monday I went on a roadtrip with the fabulous Miss Sally, we were like Thelma and Louise, well, apart from that driving off a cliff bit, because well, that would just be silly. We drove along the coast to Bournemouth where we were shamelessly seduced by...The Sales.
I heart Office the shoe shop, but I heart it 100 times more when it has a big dee-lish sale sign in the window. Don't tell my bank manager who is already hot on my tail for excessive spending on books this month, but I bought 2 vay, vay bee-yoouu-tiful pairs of footwear that should be put in a frame not worn on feet! I can't get my digi-cam to work but when I do, you'll be head over office shoe in love with them too.
Wednesday was all about HEROES! I've been trying not to get into too much TV since I realised that while life was slightly boring without it, it didn't end and I got so much more done, but this is my absolute exception to the rule and there are reasons for that, mainly because it's so blimmin' brilliant! I was a li'l bit scared as I'm a major-league wuss, but it was so, so good, and I closed my eyes thru the scary bits!
Yesterday, was The Man and I's 6th year anniversary - awww. Having forgiven him for Sunday's cinema trip I bought him a Fall Out Boy CD and he bought me dinner in a vay, vay lovely country pub and then we went to see The Simpsons Movie, which, if you haven't seen it, is HIGHlarious - LOVED it!
Since I got back from my hols in Croatia, which was waaaay back in May, I've been a slacker from slacksville as far as exercise has been concerned, which is just no good if I'm gonna tackle those streets of NY and not faint with exhaustion on the 3rd mile, which is why I'm back on it - I've done two 3 mile walks this week - I'm not happy about perspiration, but I am happy about the cute new black with pink piping work-out outfit I've bought. Well, as readers of Beauty*Licious will know, Lola highly recommends making the whole exercise process a whole lot easier with a cool ensemble, and it would be beyond rudeness to ignore Lola, right?
This week s'far: Monday I went on a roadtrip with the fabulous Miss Sally, we were like Thelma and Louise, well, apart from that driving off a cliff bit, because well, that would just be silly. We drove along the coast to Bournemouth where we were shamelessly seduced by...The Sales.
I heart Office the shoe shop, but I heart it 100 times more when it has a big dee-lish sale sign in the window. Don't tell my bank manager who is already hot on my tail for excessive spending on books this month, but I bought 2 vay, vay bee-yoouu-tiful pairs of footwear that should be put in a frame not worn on feet! I can't get my digi-cam to work but when I do, you'll be head over office shoe in love with them too.
Wednesday was all about HEROES! I've been trying not to get into too much TV since I realised that while life was slightly boring without it, it didn't end and I got so much more done, but this is my absolute exception to the rule and there are reasons for that, mainly because it's so blimmin' brilliant! I was a li'l bit scared as I'm a major-league wuss, but it was so, so good, and I closed my eyes thru the scary bits!
Yesterday, was The Man and I's 6th year anniversary - awww. Having forgiven him for Sunday's cinema trip I bought him a Fall Out Boy CD and he bought me dinner in a vay, vay lovely country pub and then we went to see The Simpsons Movie, which, if you haven't seen it, is HIGHlarious - LOVED it!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
These are dark, dark days.
I am so unbelievably excited about the release of the movie Hairspray that I've not been able to think about much else.
Whilst that may make me sound slightly shallow, it is in fact, fact.
I planned on going with my Pink Ladies on Friday, but that got canceled, so I figured I'd go on my own. I'm totes cool with a solo date, but The Man said he'd like to go and that he'd take me on Sunday, today.
Cute, I thought.
We went and had a yummy dinner and then when we arrived rather conveniently I'd like to point out, at the cinema just in time for the 1pm showing of that pesky blimmin wizard. Hmm.
Seems Hairspray wasn't even on at that blimmin' cinema.
I am NOT happy.
Not only has Hairspray been out for three whole days and I still haven't seen it, which, quite frankly is a freakin' travesty, my boyf is a totes trickster and I have had to sit through three bum-numbing hours of that blimmin' wizard.
I know that a lot of you have love for the wizardy types, and I have to say, I dig the first two films, but this one? Not so much.
I fell asleep.
As in snorin' and chin dribblin' and everything.
The lady next to me gave me a proper hard elbow nudge.
She obviously didn't know that I was there under false pretenses, as I don't think she'd have nudged me quite so hard if she had - c'mon lady, where's the sisterly love?
It wasn't awful, but I didn't have a lot of love for it either.
Would have much preferred Hairspray.
On the subject of films I wanna see, I have discovered www.simpsonsmovie.com You can simpsonize yourself, like that's not the best thing, ever?!!
I LOVE it!
Check me out as a Simpson!

Cool eh?
I am so unbelievably excited about the release of the movie Hairspray that I've not been able to think about much else.
Whilst that may make me sound slightly shallow, it is in fact, fact.
I planned on going with my Pink Ladies on Friday, but that got canceled, so I figured I'd go on my own. I'm totes cool with a solo date, but The Man said he'd like to go and that he'd take me on Sunday, today.
Cute, I thought.
We went and had a yummy dinner and then when we arrived rather conveniently I'd like to point out, at the cinema just in time for the 1pm showing of that pesky blimmin wizard. Hmm.
Seems Hairspray wasn't even on at that blimmin' cinema.
I am NOT happy.
Not only has Hairspray been out for three whole days and I still haven't seen it, which, quite frankly is a freakin' travesty, my boyf is a totes trickster and I have had to sit through three bum-numbing hours of that blimmin' wizard.
I know that a lot of you have love for the wizardy types, and I have to say, I dig the first two films, but this one? Not so much.
I fell asleep.
As in snorin' and chin dribblin' and everything.
The lady next to me gave me a proper hard elbow nudge.
She obviously didn't know that I was there under false pretenses, as I don't think she'd have nudged me quite so hard if she had - c'mon lady, where's the sisterly love?
It wasn't awful, but I didn't have a lot of love for it either.
Would have much preferred Hairspray.
On the subject of films I wanna see, I have discovered www.simpsonsmovie.com You can simpsonize yourself, like that's not the best thing, ever?!!
I LOVE it!
Check me out as a Simpson!

Cool eh?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lisa in 2-blogs-in-a-day shocker!
I know, fingers of fire today...but I'm breakin' out in hives just thinkin' bout a totes blushworthy momento I had yesterday that I'm hoping talking about will help solve...
So, yesterday, I was a lady that lunched!
I went to the fabulous chocolate cafe, Cocos with official Pink Ladies, Annette, Lorraine and Lou - we ate yummy food - I had a white chocolate cheesecake, mmmm - we chatted lots and we laughed lots - perfecto way to spend lunch.
No embarrasmento so far.
Then, I went to meet my cousin Vix at a shoppin' centre we have near the sea, bad move when wearing a 1950's style skirt ensemble.
Afforementioned skirt is cute.
Afforementioned skirt is also fitted, so needs to be worn with a pair of v.v.unattractive Bridget-style, Gok approved Spanx.
afforementioned skirt combined with tornado like sea winds, well, that's the freakin' devil.
The tornado-like winds were playing havoc with hair attaching itself to a lip-glossed pout, so while I tried to sort the barnet, I took my eyes of trying to control the skirt. Which is when it happened.
It blew up.
Not in a sexy Marilyn-esque kinda way in a totes up-around-my-ears kinda way.
Showing my spanks to the entirety of the shopping centre.
And there were A LOT of people there.
I don't get embarrassed as a rule, but man, that caused blushage x 1000.
Where was my cousin Vix in all this you may wonder, I too wondered this as I searched for a helping hand in dealing with the skirt debacle, turns out she was too busy laughing.
Yeah thanks, thanks a lot.
I know, fingers of fire today...but I'm breakin' out in hives just thinkin' bout a totes blushworthy momento I had yesterday that I'm hoping talking about will help solve...
So, yesterday, I was a lady that lunched!
I went to the fabulous chocolate cafe, Cocos with official Pink Ladies, Annette, Lorraine and Lou - we ate yummy food - I had a white chocolate cheesecake, mmmm - we chatted lots and we laughed lots - perfecto way to spend lunch.
No embarrasmento so far.
Then, I went to meet my cousin Vix at a shoppin' centre we have near the sea, bad move when wearing a 1950's style skirt ensemble.
Afforementioned skirt is cute.
Afforementioned skirt is also fitted, so needs to be worn with a pair of v.v.unattractive Bridget-style, Gok approved Spanx.
afforementioned skirt combined with tornado like sea winds, well, that's the freakin' devil.
The tornado-like winds were playing havoc with hair attaching itself to a lip-glossed pout, so while I tried to sort the barnet, I took my eyes of trying to control the skirt. Which is when it happened.
It blew up.
Not in a sexy Marilyn-esque kinda way in a totes up-around-my-ears kinda way.
Showing my spanks to the entirety of the shopping centre.
And there were A LOT of people there.
I don't get embarrassed as a rule, but man, that caused blushage x 1000.
Where was my cousin Vix in all this you may wonder, I too wondered this as I searched for a helping hand in dealing with the skirt debacle, turns out she was too busy laughing.
Yeah thanks, thanks a lot.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I am still on a Gok Love high, and as if that wasn't enough for one girl in one week, I have my first real-life book signing tomorrow too!
In other news: I have a TV!
I was doing the last of four workshops at my local girls school yesterday - Girls, you were fabulous! - and The Man went and secretly bought one!
It is stupidly big, and I feel like I'm at the cinema just sitting on my sofa, but it's great to be in the world of moving picture again - except I still missed Katie and Peter's baby diaries last night coz I was watching a T in The Park re-run.
TV faux pas on my part!
In other news: I have a TV!
I was doing the last of four workshops at my local girls school yesterday - Girls, you were fabulous! - and The Man went and secretly bought one!
It is stupidly big, and I feel like I'm at the cinema just sitting on my sofa, but it's great to be in the world of moving picture again - except I still missed Katie and Peter's baby diaries last night coz I was watching a T in The Park re-run.
TV faux pas on my part!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
So, last night I attended a super-swanks party in London hosted by my super-swanks publishers, which, by default, made me a super-swanks lady.
For a night at least, anyway!
I even let The Man out of the cupboard for the evening to accompany me - I know, I know, I spoil him.
Before I continue, I need to let you into a small secret. As much as I was super excited to be invited as an author girl to aforementioned super-swanks party, I was also aware that my idol boy, Gok Wan had been published by HC this year too and there would be a huge possibility that he might be attending.
So, imagine my knicker-wetting excitement when The Man spotted him standing outside the super-swanks venue!
He was on the phone and as we walked past he shot me a huge grin.
Life totally complete.
The party was held at The Victoria and Albert museum - check out this sofa that's in the surreal things exhibition - WANT. NEED. MUST HAVE.

As The Man and I hung in the reception, sipping champagne - see, told you it was super-swanks - I was struggling to see people's labels because I was bein' vain girl and wouldn't wear my glasses. We played 'guess who' and made up stories about their lives and high-fived when we thought we were right, so childish, but vay, vay funny!
The party was very schmoozy woozy - I met and chatted with loads of cool people who are all part of the amazing team that has made Lola Love so freakin' ah-mazing, the lovely Louise who I met at a previous presentation who I LOVE, my agent and gal pal miss J and the dee-lish miss Zoe, we sipped cocktails that I don't know the names of, I saw Louise Rennison who I was too scared to talk too and met one of my all-time fave author girls, Rowan Coleman.
She is freakin' awesome.
We were like separated sister-girls - check us out working the camera!

How glam is she?! We're officially friends now, fncy being friends with one of your favourite authors, that's crazy weirdness!
So, while all this was rather fabulous, I was a girl on a mission.
It was a Gok mission.
And I made no secret of my love for the man, hoping that someone might introduce us at some point, coz I figured that's what happens at swanky parties, but as the evening progressed, I figured that if I was going to declare my love to the Gok, I had to take matters into my own hands.
All night he was surrounded by ladies, natch, so when I caught him on his own, I channeled my inner fabulousness and seized my chance.
Onlookers may relay this story differently, using various vocab like slutty mcslutt-a-lot and stalker-girl, but what these onlookers may fail to realise is that I'm a fully signed-up member of crave school. Ladies, I did not spend five years of my life following and craving Take That up and down the country to not make the most of any opportunity to meet my favourite boy types!
So I grabbed him. Literally.
He gave me a huge smile and told me he'd seen me on the way in when he was on the phone, (he did!) and he'd told the person on the phone that this girl had just walked past and she was fierce - that was me! Gok said I, Lisa Clark, am fierce.
I plan on using it on ALL publicity from now on.
I told him I'd like to go on his show and he said 'What would I do with you? Girl, you're perfect!' Like I wasn't the happiest girl in the world right then!
Luckily for me, The Man was totally okay about the Gok love, in fact he positively encouraged it, knowing that ever since I saw the first series of HTLGN, I wanted Gok to be my best friend, what girl wouldn't right?
Gok went on to tell The Man that he was 'very, very lucky' and that I was fabulous!
I gushed.
The Man agreed.
It was a moment.
Other ladies that I had spoken to throughout the evening had said how they were scared that he might judge their outfits, but he had nothing but love for the pink, which was useful, what with it being my favourite colour and all!
He asked me what I did, I told him I write books for teen girls and then took it upon myself to mention an idea that my friend Claire and I came up with on a recent daytrip to Brighton, it basically involved Gok and I being best friends on a daily basis, what's not to love about that idea?!
In my world, Gok and I are new best friends, in his, there's a chance he might think he's got a pink accessory wearing stalker girl!
Thing is, everyone was trying to be super cool and pretend they didn't recognise him, now, I am many things but I am not cool, so making a fool of myself is never too big a bother for me, and it worked!

And yes, he does have his hand on my boobage, and no, I don't mind.
Not one little bit.
I did tell him they were chicken fillets, he was fine about it - see, what's not to love!?
For a night at least, anyway!
I even let The Man out of the cupboard for the evening to accompany me - I know, I know, I spoil him.
Before I continue, I need to let you into a small secret. As much as I was super excited to be invited as an author girl to aforementioned super-swanks party, I was also aware that my idol boy, Gok Wan had been published by HC this year too and there would be a huge possibility that he might be attending.
So, imagine my knicker-wetting excitement when The Man spotted him standing outside the super-swanks venue!
He was on the phone and as we walked past he shot me a huge grin.
Life totally complete.
The party was held at The Victoria and Albert museum - check out this sofa that's in the surreal things exhibition - WANT. NEED. MUST HAVE.
As The Man and I hung in the reception, sipping champagne - see, told you it was super-swanks - I was struggling to see people's labels because I was bein' vain girl and wouldn't wear my glasses. We played 'guess who' and made up stories about their lives and high-fived when we thought we were right, so childish, but vay, vay funny!
The party was very schmoozy woozy - I met and chatted with loads of cool people who are all part of the amazing team that has made Lola Love so freakin' ah-mazing, the lovely Louise who I met at a previous presentation who I LOVE, my agent and gal pal miss J and the dee-lish miss Zoe, we sipped cocktails that I don't know the names of, I saw Louise Rennison who I was too scared to talk too and met one of my all-time fave author girls, Rowan Coleman.
She is freakin' awesome.
We were like separated sister-girls - check us out working the camera!
How glam is she?! We're officially friends now, fncy being friends with one of your favourite authors, that's crazy weirdness!
So, while all this was rather fabulous, I was a girl on a mission.
It was a Gok mission.
And I made no secret of my love for the man, hoping that someone might introduce us at some point, coz I figured that's what happens at swanky parties, but as the evening progressed, I figured that if I was going to declare my love to the Gok, I had to take matters into my own hands.
All night he was surrounded by ladies, natch, so when I caught him on his own, I channeled my inner fabulousness and seized my chance.
Onlookers may relay this story differently, using various vocab like slutty mcslutt-a-lot and stalker-girl, but what these onlookers may fail to realise is that I'm a fully signed-up member of crave school. Ladies, I did not spend five years of my life following and craving Take That up and down the country to not make the most of any opportunity to meet my favourite boy types!
So I grabbed him. Literally.
He gave me a huge smile and told me he'd seen me on the way in when he was on the phone, (he did!) and he'd told the person on the phone that this girl had just walked past and she was fierce - that was me! Gok said I, Lisa Clark, am fierce.
I plan on using it on ALL publicity from now on.
I told him I'd like to go on his show and he said 'What would I do with you? Girl, you're perfect!' Like I wasn't the happiest girl in the world right then!
Luckily for me, The Man was totally okay about the Gok love, in fact he positively encouraged it, knowing that ever since I saw the first series of HTLGN, I wanted Gok to be my best friend, what girl wouldn't right?
Gok went on to tell The Man that he was 'very, very lucky' and that I was fabulous!
I gushed.
The Man agreed.
It was a moment.
Other ladies that I had spoken to throughout the evening had said how they were scared that he might judge their outfits, but he had nothing but love for the pink, which was useful, what with it being my favourite colour and all!
He asked me what I did, I told him I write books for teen girls and then took it upon myself to mention an idea that my friend Claire and I came up with on a recent daytrip to Brighton, it basically involved Gok and I being best friends on a daily basis, what's not to love about that idea?!
In my world, Gok and I are new best friends, in his, there's a chance he might think he's got a pink accessory wearing stalker girl!
Thing is, everyone was trying to be super cool and pretend they didn't recognise him, now, I am many things but I am not cool, so making a fool of myself is never too big a bother for me, and it worked!
And yes, he does have his hand on my boobage, and no, I don't mind.
Not one little bit.
I did tell him they were chicken fillets, he was fine about it - see, what's not to love!?
Monday, July 09, 2007
I have been cursing that pesky wizard, that was until I saw this...

Stick a fork in him, he is done.
So while I am not lovin' the pesky Wizard, I am most deffo diggin' Daniel R - call me shallow, but I heart me a man in eyeliner mostest!
In other news: STILL no TV.
The one we wanted was out of stock and The Man is now adamant that it's THE ONE.
No other TV will suffice. Which is all very well, but in the meantime I'm STILL without a TV.
Am I missing anything?
There are, however, technological deficiencies that I can control - I bought myself a super-new pair of GHD's today, in fact I splashed out on the limited edition summer bag with all the prods in and everything. I am sitting by my mailbox in anticipation. I will have the straightest bob in all of bobsville.
In hair news: I'm growing out the bob.
It's a li'l bit nightmareish growing any do out, but I'm committed to the girl cause!

Stick a fork in him, he is done.
So while I am not lovin' the pesky Wizard, I am most deffo diggin' Daniel R - call me shallow, but I heart me a man in eyeliner mostest!
In other news: STILL no TV.
The one we wanted was out of stock and The Man is now adamant that it's THE ONE.
No other TV will suffice. Which is all very well, but in the meantime I'm STILL without a TV.
Am I missing anything?
There are, however, technological deficiencies that I can control - I bought myself a super-new pair of GHD's today, in fact I splashed out on the limited edition summer bag with all the prods in and everything. I am sitting by my mailbox in anticipation. I will have the straightest bob in all of bobsville.
In hair news: I'm growing out the bob.
It's a li'l bit nightmareish growing any do out, but I'm committed to the girl cause!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
So, I still am without TV.
According to The Man it's a very important purchase.
No, a very important purchase would be a Matthew Williamson bag or a pair of super cute Jimmy Choos.
Having spent a fabulous evening celebrating The Man's mum's b-day down in Weymouth, we have spent a lot of today going to those god-awful retail parks looking at a lot of TVs that all look the same to me.
The man is all about a 40 inch TV.
This would be bigger than my actual living room, but there is no talking to him when he goes into techno-boy mode.
So, the result of today's shopping trip?
Still no freakin' TV.
Apparently, we still have some price comparison to do.
Now I'm all about saving money, I can think of LOTS of things I'd rather be spending money we don't actually have on, the aforementioned bag and shoes for starters, but what The Man seems to be forgetting is that we STILL don't have a TV and I'm getting a serious case of withdrawal sweats and shakes.
As my gorgeously fabulous friend, Brett, pointed out on Friday, "Ohmigod Lisa, you'll be a social outcast, think of everything you'll miss."
He's right.
I was able to get a fix while we visited The Man's mum, but quite frankly, I'm a 4 hours a day girl, and a quick glimpse at the Live Earth concert was not enough to reduce my TV watching habit.
BTW, that quick glimpse was at the exact moment Chris Rock deemed it totally okay to spout his potty mouth at 5:30 in the afternoon when introducing the RHCP's - comedy moment! Not that I condone the use of potty mouthed behaviour, it was all the bbc dudes not knowing what to do that made me laugh!
I CANNOT BELIEVE that in all the whoo-haah about the TV, I forgot that my GHD's had died too. That's like, a million times more important than a blimmin' TV.
Luckily, I have a back up, much less superior version of the straighteners to tie me over until I'm able to buy that super cute new summer bag full of GHD goodies they're currently pimpin' in my hairdressers.
I plan on pitching A LOT of features this week in order to pay for my technological deficiency - ed-girls, if you're reading, please take pity - not only is a tween/teen journo-girl unable to function without a daily fix of youth culture, i.e: Hollyoaks and The Hills, I too, like that frightful Chantelle in Big Brother, am unable to help it if I have a natural kink in my hair - c'mon!
According to The Man it's a very important purchase.
No, a very important purchase would be a Matthew Williamson bag or a pair of super cute Jimmy Choos.
Having spent a fabulous evening celebrating The Man's mum's b-day down in Weymouth, we have spent a lot of today going to those god-awful retail parks looking at a lot of TVs that all look the same to me.
The man is all about a 40 inch TV.
This would be bigger than my actual living room, but there is no talking to him when he goes into techno-boy mode.
So, the result of today's shopping trip?
Still no freakin' TV.
Apparently, we still have some price comparison to do.
Now I'm all about saving money, I can think of LOTS of things I'd rather be spending money we don't actually have on, the aforementioned bag and shoes for starters, but what The Man seems to be forgetting is that we STILL don't have a TV and I'm getting a serious case of withdrawal sweats and shakes.
As my gorgeously fabulous friend, Brett, pointed out on Friday, "Ohmigod Lisa, you'll be a social outcast, think of everything you'll miss."
He's right.
I was able to get a fix while we visited The Man's mum, but quite frankly, I'm a 4 hours a day girl, and a quick glimpse at the Live Earth concert was not enough to reduce my TV watching habit.
BTW, that quick glimpse was at the exact moment Chris Rock deemed it totally okay to spout his potty mouth at 5:30 in the afternoon when introducing the RHCP's - comedy moment! Not that I condone the use of potty mouthed behaviour, it was all the bbc dudes not knowing what to do that made me laugh!
I CANNOT BELIEVE that in all the whoo-haah about the TV, I forgot that my GHD's had died too. That's like, a million times more important than a blimmin' TV.
Luckily, I have a back up, much less superior version of the straighteners to tie me over until I'm able to buy that super cute new summer bag full of GHD goodies they're currently pimpin' in my hairdressers.
I plan on pitching A LOT of features this week in order to pay for my technological deficiency - ed-girls, if you're reading, please take pity - not only is a tween/teen journo-girl unable to function without a daily fix of youth culture, i.e: Hollyoaks and The Hills, I too, like that frightful Chantelle in Big Brother, am unable to help it if I have a natural kink in my hair - c'mon!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Wow, it's been forever hasn't it?! Well a week at least.
I'll start with things I'm curently lovin':
The new orange TV adverts - adoreable!
While I haven't been watching it as much as previous years, I did watch Big Bro last night and LOVED Liam wearing leather hot pants. I think I'm crushin' on him.
My current read: An English Psychic in Hollywood - I cannot put it down, it's so funny and the best bit, it's all true!
Oh, guess what? I won my first prize for writing!
The Benefit make-up counter were running a poetry competition to win a bumper box of Benefit treats, and I won! How cool is that?!
I was beside myself with belly flippin' excitement!
Literally, as I was typing, watchin' the end of Hollyoaks, my TV just blew up, there was smoke and everything! The Man has just declared it offically dead and is very grumpy about it as we are not a multi-TV household. I too am a li'l bit sad as I was looking forward to seeing Katie and Peter: The Baby Diaries tonight. Fancy the TV just blowin' up?!
Where was I?
My PSHE course is going well, I'm learning to say the real names of body bits without sniggering behind my hand and have been doing some great Think Pink/PSHE workshops with a group of fab girls in a local school - fun times are being had by all.
UPDATE: The Man is searching for a warranty on the TV, I've got a sneaky suspicion it's run out, but I am soo not going to be the one to tell him.
I went to the Londoninum yesterday - and went to a super-swanks vegetarian restaurant, I crushed on the waiter who was slightly reminiscent of The Man which I figure makes it okay, and we ate posh food with names that I wasn't all together sure of, I'm from a council estate y'know!
For starters I ordered Japanese rolls which were yummy, 'til I dipped 'em in this green stuff which the lovely Miss Kitty informs me is Wasabi - who knew it was the hottest thing in the world, ever? Agent J had to feed me water and Rennies - I like to think I maintained a level of calm throughout the whole head blowing experience, although the chances are slim! Still, they didn't disown me throughout the whole affair and it seems I'm still writing books for them so I can't have been so bad, right?!!
The rest of the dinner was pretty fab, but my tummy has been pretty poorly ever since, I have spent a lot of today in bed feeling like an inhabitant of icksville.
Not nice.
And I missed a date with Miss Sally because of it. Rude.
The lovely Swanks is a real-life vegetarian, he cooks me dee-lish pasta so I know that whole anti-meat thing is doable, but for now, I'm remaining cautious of the no meat eatin', it seems like a minefield of potential belly aches to me!
So, right now I have a belly ache and no TV - sad days! These are a very minor blip in the world of me though, life is still very, very sweet - I'm not knee deep in water, I still have an innate ability to accessorise, I'm going to Edinbro in August - hurrah!
I'll start with things I'm curently lovin':
The new orange TV adverts - adoreable!
While I haven't been watching it as much as previous years, I did watch Big Bro last night and LOVED Liam wearing leather hot pants. I think I'm crushin' on him.
My current read: An English Psychic in Hollywood - I cannot put it down, it's so funny and the best bit, it's all true!
Oh, guess what? I won my first prize for writing!
The Benefit make-up counter were running a poetry competition to win a bumper box of Benefit treats, and I won! How cool is that?!
I was beside myself with belly flippin' excitement!
Literally, as I was typing, watchin' the end of Hollyoaks, my TV just blew up, there was smoke and everything! The Man has just declared it offically dead and is very grumpy about it as we are not a multi-TV household. I too am a li'l bit sad as I was looking forward to seeing Katie and Peter: The Baby Diaries tonight. Fancy the TV just blowin' up?!
Where was I?
My PSHE course is going well, I'm learning to say the real names of body bits without sniggering behind my hand and have been doing some great Think Pink/PSHE workshops with a group of fab girls in a local school - fun times are being had by all.
UPDATE: The Man is searching for a warranty on the TV, I've got a sneaky suspicion it's run out, but I am soo not going to be the one to tell him.
I went to the Londoninum yesterday - and went to a super-swanks vegetarian restaurant, I crushed on the waiter who was slightly reminiscent of The Man which I figure makes it okay, and we ate posh food with names that I wasn't all together sure of, I'm from a council estate y'know!
For starters I ordered Japanese rolls which were yummy, 'til I dipped 'em in this green stuff which the lovely Miss Kitty informs me is Wasabi - who knew it was the hottest thing in the world, ever? Agent J had to feed me water and Rennies - I like to think I maintained a level of calm throughout the whole head blowing experience, although the chances are slim! Still, they didn't disown me throughout the whole affair and it seems I'm still writing books for them so I can't have been so bad, right?!!
The rest of the dinner was pretty fab, but my tummy has been pretty poorly ever since, I have spent a lot of today in bed feeling like an inhabitant of icksville.
Not nice.
And I missed a date with Miss Sally because of it. Rude.
The lovely Swanks is a real-life vegetarian, he cooks me dee-lish pasta so I know that whole anti-meat thing is doable, but for now, I'm remaining cautious of the no meat eatin', it seems like a minefield of potential belly aches to me!
So, right now I have a belly ache and no TV - sad days! These are a very minor blip in the world of me though, life is still very, very sweet - I'm not knee deep in water, I still have an innate ability to accessorise, I'm going to Edinbro in August - hurrah!
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