I had a fam thing, but did rush home for the 10pm repeat - Channel 4+1 - I heart you!
Firstly, The Man needs serious TV watching training. This obviously needs to be added to the ever-growing list of things they need to teach at boyfriend school - when is that EVER going to open? The Man would be signed up in an instant, I love him, but he has A LOT to learn.

Anyhoo, he took the opening titles of UB as a cue to start talking about something totally unnecessary.
Boys are really rather silly, because why would he do that and not expect me to go a bit crazy mad, especially since I'd been raving 'bout UB ALL DAY?
Needless to say, he was instantly banished - harsh, but absolutely, categorically fair.
Especially since, I cried.
Question: Did I have a touch of the emo, or was the bit where UB's big sis realised her husband was actually dead not the most saddest thing you ever did see? I made crazy amounts of eye water, the kind that creates snot and everything. It was not pretty.
I am so glad it's back, and for future info, all Friday night invites will be declined.
Saturday was like Christmas day since my new camera arrived.
I don't know whether it's really right for a girl to get mucho excited over a bit of techno equiptment, but I'm a total art girl and LOVE taking photos, so have treated myself to an uber cool super funk-da-crazin' camera of gorgeousness!

It looks retro yet has all the things a spangly fandangled new one has - and it shoots movies - it's fair to say, the blog will be much more photo-filled, movie-filled, from now on - just got to work out how to use it!
I also went to Bingo with Vix and Ad - it was my second time and I have to say, I LOVED it even more this time because I actually understood what I had to do! I didn't win anything, but the adrenalin rush was worth every penny - I really don't know why people bunjee jump when they could just play bingo for an hour!
I am so gonna have a Bingo-in' mad birthday party - 3rd November, fact fans - I can't wait!
Vix and I then had a Saturday evening of yummy curry, chocolate, chatting and Teev watchin' - happy, happy days! Spending time with your favourite people doing not much at all is really the very best way to spend your time - this is factuality.
Guess what? Boots have their Christmas catalogue out!
This may sound like crazyness but is very helpful when you're trying to make a Birthday and Christmas list - did I mention it's my b-day soon?!! If you could remind The Man at some point that would be fabulous!
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